Money & God | |
DAY they'll impregnate money so they'll know where it is
- in some instances they have already done this, pre-empting
bank heists and kidnaps. People are easily traced by the path of the money that has been exchanged. It is an interesting thought as to how many places, how many hands have held one single coin, and the circumstances surrounding the transactions; and the stories of the men from whom the coin has passed to and from. Folk are never concerned about the data which is accumulated or the numbers which are allotted and attached to such information, when it comes to records of expenditure and account. They are suspicious of 'other' related pieces of information and other numbers so given, but accept it freely when seeking out the usual plastic or cheque accounts. It is laughingly stated that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach - it is certainly a way to a man's identity: his account number. The monetary system is a much larger issue than one might suppose. The concepts of credit and the practice of artificial wealth and subsequent class structures, underlies much of that which affects the day to day lifestyles of every man, woman and child, on the planet today. The first consideration of a man is usually that of money. His whole life, his preoccupation, his dedication, is often pointed to the accumulation of either simple mainstay, or out and out wealth - and whatever the case, it is still a question of money. The reasons may be simple enough, or complex and unrelated, but the system of exchange and identity therefrom, is in place and imposed, and larger than any one can struggle to be free from. All of this so far may sound to be quite obvious, and if misinterpreted, leading towards some communistic ideology. However if one can shake themselves awake for a moment, and view it as it is, they shall be quite amazed at the enormity of this entity which, if made visible, would overshadow and terrify even the most complacent of men. Perhaps one might come to see that they second 'falling out' from the garden, was of the 'selling of the apple'. We are so obliged to think in terms of trade and price-tags, that we are incapable of envisualizing any other society of dissimilar bent. Fortunately however, all of the important and relevant exchanges from one to another, are without monetary measure and exchange - and so concurrently we are always working within the two, differing, relationships. Many an ascetic of the past has had revelation of the great monetary spirit; and sought immediate detachment therefrom. Often when individuals study such men, they believe that it has been an elaborate act of sacrifice, for those who have cast away the values of men, and the wealth that has been so attached to their person. And in this, one could truly say, that there was certain sacrifice, and yet also much gain as well - a freedom that was so necessary and wished for - a freedom which cannot be bought by simple loss. That one great transaction in which it all was flung away. There are many insights as to the monetary beast, when one examines the actions and intent of those who gamble. Through these people who have shafted away the superfluous relationship of money to the tangible, and sought money only, we may examine the true effect of such a system, and a reality of concerns. Some might argue that the nature of a gambler is the basest example of an otherwise semi-perfect system, but it is rather essential to the concept, and explicit in definition. Were that values were based upon need of all, and charity throughout, in answer to such need, there should not be the system of monetary exchange. This is simple fact. In Heaven one may profit from another, in due course, as a result of a certain interaction - but not because profit was sought firstly, and not as determined by either party, and not at the expense of another. The monetary beast is a perversion of the true order. One may speak money first, and then the rest follows, (if at all). Also, the profit so come by in Heaven, is not merely representational of worth, the value is what it is, and is not ever derived or spent artificially. This is again a perversion. It is no wonder that men are confused. Recompense, as perceived, is illusive - they place all reward for effort in a box or a bank, and as the sands, it may shift from them, all too easily. This is frustrating and upsetting, if one truly is taken in by this system of reward. Although somewhat simplistic, it is important to recognise our upsets and our oppositions. It is alike to every problem which faces man, that one alone cannot eradicate it, and until it has been cleansed away from every one, each are to be affected, like it or not. And it is an insipid evil that compels every man in such a way - for it strikes at the very level of necessity, whilst jeopardizing the moral judgements - an unsavoury bedfellow, that is 'put up with' or welcomed. Money itself, however, gives nothing back to a man, whatsoever, of itself. Man is continually cheated, and understands not why. If he is compromised into re-using his wealth, he is compromising his brother; if he is happy to keep it, as result of some work or some trade, he has lost that which he exchanged for a secondary, abstract, which of itself, is valueless. It has value only unto the laws of its own dictates - and even these fluctuate. It does not give man a steady relationship which the produce of his own actions, and it confuses the natural world and its paradise, to be secondary to it, rather than the other way around. |
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Too much or too little, it is
charged with desire. And many a woe and illness is
spawned from this dilemma. Worse still, there is no immediate remedy which will relieve men of this economic condition, and coerce a society to regain freedom from this world-perception. Therefore, one can look to the personal aspects, and learn to counter such impulses locally, with conscious recognition, where possible. Firstly we are to cleanse ourselves of false notions, to drive them out, so to speak, in order that we may proceed with greater clarity. |
The first false
notion in respect to the beast is: 1. "If I had enough money I could buy what I want." Money does not affect exchange, even if we view it as an intermediary, an inter-language. Money, of itself, does nothing. It buys nothing. It is nothing. It is without value. It is deceptive. It promises deception. If another were to give you that which you want because of an exchange of money, then you are karmicly compelled to accommodate and recompensate the fellow at a later time, and no amount of coin will change this. That he has effected a change within your life and taken the banknote, will not alter this. The debt is still there. And debt it is. However, the land or the grain, or whatever the purchase, is not solely his in the first instance - however the availability has been offered, and the service thereby, is recompensable. 2. "Money is representative of worth". Money is deceptive of worth, and can never reflect value in real terms. There is no essential reality. There are passions instilled into the beast which underlies the exchange and efforts of men who endeavour to seek out unity with said beast, but there is no real representation, only false promise. There can never be satisfaction in the receiving of money. There is heartache and loss, and a want of replacement. If one is to give a gift freely there is much happiness, and good consequence of this. If one deals in exchange, there is sorrow from both parties. Because the monetary system has laws completely contained, of its own, which are unrelated to realities, it has no bearing on equality of values or true representation. The monetary values float and disfigure in relation to their own, solely. Also, they are beneath true value - and have no relation to consequences of exchange. All physical goods and services are transitory, and provide certain environmental changes in respect to the individual, at that moment. There are complex consequences affording this. There are times when those who impart a good for money actually end up owing he who they imparted the goods to i.e. if I sell something which is detrimental to the individual, and causes further malady I am answerable, and must make compensation, at some further time. Again, this is irrespective of money, and is negotiated by higher laws. In point of fact, if anything, it is made worse because of the transaction of money. The reason being that, I might ask of a man for something, and he obliges - unknowing, that it is to my detriment to supply it - however, if I desire something from this man, and am obliging him with great self interest being first concern, then I am especially implicated in his demise. 3. "Money is a necessary evil". No evil is necessary. We may be obliged to work within a system, and in this instance there is no escape from the physical exchange and operation - but we do not have to deem it as necessary. For it shall not be the way of future societies, and it is dangerous to even talk laughingly about 'necessary evils' - there is no such thing. Who ever said that devils were ugly? The most dangerous devils, are those which we all desire - and in this instance, we are all, in part, entrapped. Where do people imagine devils and demons to be? They are not all without disguise. If one must cohabit with the devil, it is better to see him, as is. And with further insights of this nature, one may begin afresh to sort out those undesirous inclinations which lend themselves moreover to his ways and methods. 4. Detachment from money - "I do not care for it, I only use it." This of itself is untrue, also wishful, perhaps presumptuous. The poor rarely say this, and those with wealth have no credibility at best, with such exclamation. If we are made bare, by acknowledging certain false notions, and repenting such, in effort for cleansing peculiar to them - then we may begin to make for counter-impulses which may now lead forth into a wild and unfriendly economic whorl of a world. The tides are so immense and enormously proportioned, that no one man may stand against them on this their own level - however, one may rise above them in conceptual compromise - living a paradoxical existence, as it were. If we are to constantly review our own attitudes, and especially within these realms, aforementioned, then we may begin to work different relationships, with those who we may have future dealings with. To be aware of our responsibilities in these regards is ever important, and a wonderful step into future society. The nature of the monetary beast is one of deception, that we should be anything but aware of our true interactions, and values - and by this awakening of insight we begin to counter-balance certain untruths. No one man may escape his debts to another - and to try to do this, is of itself, irresponsible, and uncharitable. We may welcome all relationships, and the fruit thereby. And so, not to make too much of poverty, nor wealth, but begin a new perspective, which speaks of relativity, and true value. Especially preparing for those times, when the tangible will become intangible, and the intangible shall be ever more real. The lascivious beast/demon of monetary exchange cannot abide charity, nor gifts, freely given. He holds onto the backs of every man and hugs tight - you can almost feel him, with arms wrapped around your chest, with hand over heart, with claw in side. Thank God for good will, and that loving charity, that we all may spread - even in the smallest measure - and thereby release his grip, and slough him off - and sigh with relief - that he is only as strong, and as great, as our greed. |