WOK conducts the heat from the fire and enhances
dispersion with concentration, and yet diffusion.
Versatile for rapid conductivity, simple in design, it
looks almost like a Chinaman's hat turned topsy-turvy. Hats are like that. One receives many forces which radiate down from the top of the head; and protection from the fiery rays in a manner which conducts and diffuses is similar to the extreme example of the wok. From one race to another, one people to another, there have been unique preferences for headdress, and of course, examples of hair-shaving. All of the preferred appendages have their corresponding results which affect the entire constitution of the man who adorns himself so. In the case of baldness: one finds that the man in question is so 'open' to the heavens and the lower substrata rays which impede, that it is quite a remarkable feat, withstanding and directing, those untranslated fiery forces. Usually the tentai, being the hair, serves well in conducting the transmitted rays; and can help regulate and assimilate the lower cosmic fodder, which respectively channels through from that 'north pole' (being the top of the head) down through to the south, (the ends of the feet). And so the man who does summon and gather together the uninterrupted flowing vitalities through bare scalp, without hair or hat, has the difficulty of irregular activity, concentrated around the head region. Much to do with the forces of the will and of thinking. The baldness may either enhance such properties within the constitution or completely negate them; depending on the receptivity, and the management thereof. One may witness, in the case of illness or aging, the loss of hair through expended vitalities; and the redirection which may or may not be necessary in further adaptation for prolonged life. The yogi who seeks to interrupt the currents and redirect, often finds useful the flames on bare head, rather than those which are distributed and made diffused. There are most certainly physical characteristics which enhance or inhibit the inflowing vitalities through the top of the head. For no physical representative goes without its corresponding form, made apparent within the boundaries of a subtler matter and material. And the waves of vitalities received into a man by a man, so channeled, are transmuted in a variety of means, causing this and that repercussion (literally repercussion) within the constitution. Whilst perspiration exudes something of the man from which it comes, containing many elements so worked upon and exacted with his fiery ethers, it also plays an essential part in the outer conductivity, and the buffers, barriers, and fields, necessarily pertaining to existence. Without their being any magic performed, one may take the opportunity to observe certain differences at particular times, when one alternates the conditions of the scalp. Not by taking the shaver and shearing the growth, but rather by noticing the variety of hats and scarves, hair-gel, or whatever, and witnessing the differences between those, and hairstyles. There is no hard and fast rule as to which best suits an individual. Nature herself is very wise, and the condition of balding which comes naturally, is all to a purpose. One can say that Moses for the most part was bald, and Socrates too, for that matter. There can be the risk of obsession and of too much repetition, when a man comes to find the marked differences which he will come by. However, an intuition that exceeds the calls of fashion, if heeded will prompt a man to recognise that which befits him best in his needs; and certain ills may be rectified: certain maladies of many variety, by simple observance and application. The infant is much comforted by the wearing of a hat. Exposure is not always desirable for an infant, or a man. This is not only in reference to having 'too much sun', and also need not be relevant to whether or not one is in or outdoors. One already knows the great difference in attitude and composure between being fully clothed or completely naked. The very gait of a man will alter from one attire to another. Man's nakedness: the fineness of the bodily hair today, and being without total covering of fur-like growth all over - is very much an example of the 'open' condition, in which he greets the world. Chemical concoctions which are used as colourants and for hair-styling, can have terrible consequences upon the individual who has covered his or her head and hair so. Apart from the fact that much is absorbed through the skin and so scalp, the hair is made 'dead' and ineffectual in its manner of processing the vitalities in normal ways. Usually folk consider that the hair is already quite dead, but indeed this is far from the truth. Any part of a man which remains in form and does not dissipate, is not without function; nor dead, until dispersed. The connections to that man are his, and have great bonds with him at whatever distance, with living essences that continue until the point of physical breakdown. However, the chemical applications disrupt and interfere with the subtle ethers which surround and encompass their physical counterparts, and by so doing, negate further usage. They are deemed inadequate. One might as well go for the bald look, instead of the 'permanent wave', for permanent wave it is! Whilst on the subject, a hat which is made of animal fibre shall have a marked effect upon the constitution - a hat of vegetable fibre will completely differ. Whilst a hat which is of synthetic fibre will be almost useless. Adornments of straight metals are another matter, and have been favoured for certain reasons throughout the ages by priests, magicians and the like; but most certainly are not worthy of consideration for daily attire. One can leave the crowns for kings, but at the same time come to learn of their wearing the metals and the jewels they saw useful, respectful to them. The 'crown' of thorns was indeed specific to the powers so transmitted into and transmuted thereby. The points of the thorns do travel this way and that, outwardly in receptive form. The purity of the etheric nature of that vine, has transcended the 'animal' receptivity of transmutation of the surrounding ethers. And although this is not the time or place to comment further or speculate, one might suggest that at present it is unsuitable for the ordinary man to consider beginning that particular fashion for himself. One has trouble when picturing the physical characteristics of our Christ when he was so connected in this way to living form. Largely because what appeared as one thing, was not exactly what it was. An Israelite with flaming orange hair is conspicuous to say the least, and hair-dyes of vegetable origin were easy to come by- the blacker the better, or so was the fashion of the time. Now whether or not it was effected by hair-dyes, or simply within the vision of men and with what they were used to, is another matter. For the body of Christ being not made by Him, was nonetheless completely imbued and re-exacted at the time of his bonding, and characteristic in every way; in-line and attuned completely. In summation: one might pay a visit to the milliner without being as 'mad as a hatter' in doing so. |